Increased SNAP enrollment is a key lever in the fight to reduce the meal gap in the U.S. for children and their families. As clients use their SNAP benefits to purchase more of their food at grocery retailers and farmers' markets, the emergency-level burden on local nonprofit feeding agencies is reduced and the local economy is stimulate. (via. )
Despite the generosity of so many who contribute to our food bank, there is always a need for permanent, sustainable and predictable income to help subsidize the cost of food for families in need!  Working with the support of the Department of Children and Families’ Community Liaison, as well as local outreach sites and our staff and volunteers, we are able to reach families coping with food insecurity throughout the five counties we serve. Beside supplemental nutrition assistance (formally known as food stamps) the outreach program provides access to the State of Florida's online ACCESS Program which provides a single application process for emergency food help, medical financial assistance for individuals and families. 

For more information email us at or call 352-336-0839.

Bread of the Mighty Food Bank, Inc.
Location: 325 NW 10th Avenue * Gainesville, FL  32601
Mailing: PO Box 5086 * Gainesville, FL 32627
Office:  (352) 336-0839 *  Fax:  (352) 395-6570
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Funded through a grant from Walmart.
Florida Association of Food Banks